
I think my longest ride in one day came close to 500 miles.
The rear shocks on my Savage are shortened by about an inch, and my seat padding at that time consisted of two layers of cheap camping mat. So when I finally got back home, it felt like my ass had fallen off - especially since I had covered most of the distance on the Autobahn.
That was in 2004.

In the meantime I've made a seat of my own which is quite a bit narrower than the stock one, and it's still only two layers of camping mat. Add apehanger handlebars, and you get a bike that will grind you to the bone within a couple of hours (yeah, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it just sounds impressive ;D ). I don't think I can ride more than about 300 miles in one day with this thing.

But that's ok, because I look awfully cool riding it. ...don't you think... ;) 8)